"THEM". Not us.
The following imagery is literally....out of this world. As in, origin. Not of this world.
NOT "UFOs"....because these ARE Identified. Not ours. Spacecraft, operated intelligently, often defying physics & human capability.
These are some of my faves from thousands captured. ALL IMAGERY IS GENUINE and not a photo effect.
BTS: My own journey began in the late 1990's when I had my...
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"THEM". Not us.
The following imagery is literally....out of this world. As in, origin. Not of this world.
NOT "UFOs"....because these ARE Identified. Not ours. Spacecraft, operated intelligently, often defying physics & human capability.
These are some of my faves from thousands captured. ALL IMAGERY IS GENUINE and not a photo effect.
BTS: My own journey began in the late 1990's when I had my first UFO sighting. Sans camera. Of course. A super BRIGHT orb pulsated in broad daylight, against a completely clear blue sky. When I pointed it out to my g/f.....literally as soon as I pointed at it....the object "ricocheted" like a cue ball over a huge expanse of sky, stopping, reversing directions, then off at another angle/tangent multiplied. And...GONE.
Since then I've had more than 60 other occasions, observing , photographing, what I call...."non-amorphous blobs of light". As in, airborne "craft" exhibiting non-traditional mannerisms as to flight characteristics, yaw rates, G-loads, propulsion, physics, aeronautical design.
That means, NOT: a plane, bird, rocket, blimp, balloon, helicopter, meteor, comet, asteroid, swamp-gas, drone, quad-copter, or....Superman.
It's THEM.
And I have the photographs to prove it.
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