"Them" (104 images)
"THEM". Not us.
The following imagery is literally....out of this world. As in, origin. Not of this world.
NOT "UFOs"....because these ARE Identified. Not ours. Spacecraft, operated intelligently, often defying physics & human capability.
These are some of my faves from thousands captured. ALL IMAGERY IS GENUINE and not a photo effect.
BTS: My own journey began in the late 1990's when I had my...
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The following imagery is literally....out of this world. As in, origin. Not of this world.
NOT "UFOs"....because these ARE Identified. Not ours. Spacecraft, operated intelligently, often defying physics & human capability.
These are some of my faves from thousands captured. ALL IMAGERY IS GENUINE and not a photo effect.
BTS: My own journey began in the late 1990's when I had my...
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It's not a UFO; it IS an alien spacecraft...
4-up+times 2016-04-14...jpg
Detail@200% mag.JPG
2016-04-09UFO 3-up.JPG
Mothership Fly-by
UFO Flyover: alien spacecraft making a rapid...
Mothership- the "carrier
"The Carrier": looking like an aircraft...
Two UFO Rendezvous
Two alien spacecraft/UFOs under intelligent...
Saucer descending ove..Anne
Flying saucer, aka ALIEN (other-wordly craft...
The Bird-UFO
The Phoenix: UFO buzzing Elliott Bay: part of...
The Bird-UFO, detail
"The Phoenix", detail. UFO/alien spacecraft...
Two UFOs streaking thru
UFO/alien spacecraft fly-by, Elliot Bay: part...
Two UFOs streaking th..tail
DETAIL, saucer-shaped UFO streaking in from...
UFO/alien spacecraft on a circuit of Elliott...
DETAIL, UFO spacecraft from rear, exiting area...
UFO Saucer, detail cl..e-up
Flying Saucer descending; Wisps of...
UFO: 8sec. dance. A singular saucer-shaped...
THE UFO Grab Shot; total luck. I saw a flash...
POINTERS to both craft
DETAIL, craft/right frame. THE UFO Grab Shot;...
DETAIL, Left-side UFO/saucer craft, THE UFO...
Elongated UFO/alien craft
The Triangle Craft
The Starship..
The Multi-decked/levels UFO Craft
The Space Cowboys; two UFO craft showing...
The Starship, 3. massive elongated, twin-arm...
Saucer on lower Queen Anne hill...from my apt....
Saucer, 45 degree, lower QAnne hill, from my...
UFO Fly-by of Opera House/Seattle Center; due...
DETAIL/Close-up of craft, UFO Fly-by, Opera House.
DETAIL, UFO Fly-by, Opera House
UFO Craft over Elliott Bay, south of Seattle...
Saucer coming into the LZ: like a helicopter,...
The Queen Anne UFO Dive-bombing: Craft(s)...